Paddock to Plate
Our Paddock to Plate philosophy, quite literally, sits at the heart of our curriculum. It is the reason we have surrounded our centres with extensive produce gardens and orchards, ensuring children not only have abounding access to the natural environment but also learn first-hand where their food comes from.
Children and families are encouraged to be actively involved in the planting, upkeep, and harvesting of our garden produce, as well as caring for our Australian native stingless bees, and much loved free-ranging centre chickens.
Every day, our Kitchen Team brings this produce to life as they prepare 5 delicious and seasonally based meals. Where possible, produce is picked directly from our Children’s Garden and Orchards or sourced locally from our smaller community suppliers. Our tempting menus have been developed by an experienced Nutritionist, to nurture both the body and the mind and provide the fuel children need to learn, play, and develop.
Here are come of our most delicious (and requested) recipes from our menu for you to enjoy at home!
The below recipes were all created by our Executive Chef Tawnya Bahr for Orchard ELC.