Our Incursions
Incursions at Orchard ELC are part of the children’s learning experience with us. The incursions include a variety of different activities and learning experiences for the children to enjoy.
This term we have the following weekly and fortnightly incursions:
Wild Kids Australia
Wild Kids Australia sessions are a part of our nature and sustainability program. It helps children connect with the natural world around them and introduces them to different nature subjects in a hands-on manner. Our Wild Kids incursion inspires children to be curious about the natural environment and enthusiastic about learning more and engages them in learning activities outdoors.
Cheeky Tunes
Music & Dance
A fun and engaging music and dance class for all our age groups. Our music incursion supports the development of creativity and boosts concentration as well as helps improve vocabulary. Music also supports the development of spatial intelligence - laying the ground for an interest in mathematics, engineering, science & architecture.
Young Yogis / Karma Kids
Exploring yoga and learning about their whole body from a young age helps children take ownership of their development in a way that will help them to understand their movements and abilities more deeply and even push their abilities to the next level.
Sadie the Garden Lady
During regular fortnightly visits Sadie supports the children to develop their understanding of our Paddock to Plate philosophy as she invites the children to work with her to tend to the plants growing in our kitchen garden. Gardening helps children develop a deeper understanding of sustainable practices such as using food scraps to feed the chickens and the worm farm.